One reason why the chant "let's go, Brandon" has so spontaneously come to represent general resistance against the course the US and other countries are pushed into, has nothing to do with the senile racist posing in the White House right now. What people have picked up on from the start is how boundless - and impotent - the attempts of media are to misrepresent anything in a manner that leaves inviolate the saintly narrative. What makes this historical juncture so fascinating is that whereas the supporters of this narrative use anything remotely regarding the 'rona as a tool to further the objectives that have been on their palette for at least a decade, the torque involved in pushing measure after measure of control on people with an ever more absurd rationale may ultimately have the opposite effect and ruin the woke mechanic once and for all.
Instrumental to the situation have been the tools our civilization has for communicating information. While it has become obvious that media, press agencies, Big Tech and many individual journalists have relinquished their role of being skeptical of any body or entity exercising power and authority, we have focused a lot of our attention on the nefarious totalitarian implications thereof. If people are unable to collect a variety of information, how are people able to form an informed opinion on any subject? If secret contracts are concluded for products that are subsequently mandated, under the legal immunity of the manufacturers, and there are no news media pursuing the truth behind these ineffably murky deals, does it all end there? If official data about injection effectiveness and about collateral effects are nebulously dished out via obsequious and unquestioning journalists, does it all land unchallenged with the public? We have been subjected to state-sponsored terrorism, but the page that is being turned is opening a whole new perspective.
What we are about to discover, thanks to a convoy of unintimidated Canadian truckers, is to what extent the powers have deluded not us, but themselves: the authorities and their compliant mouthpieces in the media and tech. The bombardment of fearporn and moral blackmail has insisted from the onset of the 'rona that we were all potential killers, if we did not redeem ourselves provisionally - that is, until the next outrageous demand - through our compliance with illogical rules of unproven efficacy. The lies hidden in this potion of obedience fed to us are manifold, but what I believe we need to see unveiled now is the moral one. The fact is that most people are essentially good. Most of us have been very careful at the start. We were mindful of the more vulnerable people in our vicinity, respectful of those who had personal reasons to have particular worries, open to all the suggestions from health and other authorities, and yes: we took the shots by the droves. That does not mean all of us stopped thinking. It just means most people are generously willing to contribute to a solution - even if those threatened are just a 0.15% minority of the population.
What we are going to discover in the coming days is how false the polls and surveys have been indicating wide support for this measure or that. What we are going to discover is how afraid people actually (still) are. What is going to be revealed the coming days is how much awareness people have of the rights they are naturally endowed with, across party affiliations, backgrounds, and localities. What we will start to see is how many of us are no longer willing to accept mandates imposed on us without logical justification. What we will see is how many of us are no longer accepting a large part of their lives taken away from them. We will start noting how many of us want to partake in the human family by hugging and social vicinity, instead of the distancing that seems scientifically studied, not to fight a virus, but to separate, objectify, and subjugate us. What we will find out the coming days is what happens when good people realize they have been taken on a ride towards their doom. Not in punishment for any hint of evil, but for being loving, caring, benevolent, generous, and good human beings. Â
The next steps are going to be more difficult. What we have to acknowledge is that government in country after country has proven to be undeserving of the trust conferred to them via the last elections. There is no such thing as an elected institution that is entitled to write our rights off the charters. A perpetual emergency seems to be the trick they have had up their sleeves, coordinated internationally, which is a reason the more to see this through to the end. That means dismantling all the structures that have formally and informally colluded to appropriate themselves of our very perception of reality the past two years. It means ending the rule by cronies that through a cabal of regulators and corporations treats us as chips on a perverse little chessboard, deprived of free will, autonomy, bodily integrity, freedom of conscience, or even the liberty of enterprise. We are not slaves. Make sure to let them know. And make those Canadian truckers proud.
It was quiet recently that the Canadians re-elected Mr. Trudeau and like in the US the big metropolitan areas are very liberal and they voted him back in. I think the Canadian truckers should have driven to Mexico and crossed the border illegally and re-entered with the Haitians and then get non-vaxed truck driving jobs in the US under whatever look the other way policies are being implemented. With few truckers left in Canada the food shortages will soon make the liberals rethink their government vaccination policies.